Now how do I know such things. I know many useless things but nothing remotely useful. For instance, how many bones are there in a giraffes neck. Seven, the same as humans. Cows get up on their front legs first; horses their back legs. Or is it the other way round! Kno
wledge gleaned from years of laborious book studying. Fine, but not as pleasing as knowledge gained from first hand, personal experience, hard toil suffered over months in the pursuit of excellence. (I've got the feeling my school motto talked of 'the pursuit of excellence', but I digress.)
Two years ago I dressed up as Father Christmas, right down to artificial full-length beard. Elaborate preparations included changing in my motorhome round the corner from my grandchildren and my daughter scattering ‘Reindeer Dust’ on her house front. I walked up the street complete with sack. “Who’s this coming up the road?” Angelina aged five is asked by mother.
“Father Christmas” she replies on cue, eyes wide with amazement. “Who is it?” is enquired of brother Tommy, not yet three. “Santa Granddad” is the instant dismissive reply. Out of the mouth of babes and all that! (In the house later when asked where Santa went he again pointed to me, out of uniform, so to speak. "He's there" he again uttered with unchildlike authority.)
This Christmas, as a favour I am to dress up again as Santa, a favour for some small children I know. And yes, the parents do approve, a consideration that cannot be ignored in this PC inclined, often sinister world. Mind you, for some even Santa himself is considered non PC but what the hell. Plus this year there is to be no artificial beard but the real thing, thus the no trimming agenda since September. And though I am normally a hirsuted individual, its a number
four clippered cut rather than Santa's more flowing locks. So the trick is to time the 'no beard trim' period long enough to be a reasonably authentic Father Christmas; but not long enough to give the appearance of Rip Van Winkle or be arrested in the town centre and charged with vagrancy.
“Father Christmas” she replies on cue, eyes wide with amazement. “Who is it?” is enquired of brother Tommy, not yet three. “Santa Granddad” is the instant dismissive reply. Out of the mouth of babes and all that! (In the house later when asked where Santa went he again pointed to me, out of uniform, so to speak. "He's there" he again uttered with unchildlike authority.)
This Christmas, as a favour I am to dress up again as Santa, a favour for some small children I know. And yes, the parents do approve, a consideration that cannot be ignored in this PC inclined, often sinister world. Mind you, for some even Santa himself is considered non PC but what the hell. Plus this year there is to be no artificial beard but the real thing, thus the no trimming agenda since September. And though I am normally a hirsuted individual, its a number
I must confess I have had some funny looks from small children recently. And I must also confess I have glared at one or two misbehaving reprobates in the supermarket. Plus the rebuke, "Now stop being naughty, I'm Santa's brother and you'll get 'b' all if you don't be good" has had some amazing effects. (Don't worry or underestimate children, they soon bounce back, honest!)
So the Day of Judgement has arrived. It is twelve weeks since the last trim. Will I convince today's doubting, often streetwise at four infants. Or will I be exposed as just another fraud in a cynical, commercial world. What do you think.
'Tis a fine looking beard as well sir :-)
Merry Crimble
And the same to you Jayne. I'm fairly new to this blogging lark so I'm amazed someone with such an exciting life can come across my boring old blog. Hope we meet again.
I beleive - you are the real Santa!
Merry Christmas - have a good one.
That is a beard of authority.
Merry Christmas to you, Ken.
word verification = baysigh (I'm making that into a lovely image)
Happy Christmas! There'll be a couple of mince pies next to our chimney and you can park the sleigh in the drive next to the Clio. Many thanks!
Merry Christmas! If someone hadn't told me you don't exist I would not have known. Very convincing!
I think you'd pass for Captain Birdseye. Give em fish fingers and frozen burgers next Xmas and keep saying "Oh Arrrr" like a pirate.
ken, when playing Santa, though, a smile wouldn't come amiss, surely? ;-) Merry Christmas!
Here Endeth the Lesson?
What happened to this post? What does it mean?
Eh, you're not shuffling off this mortal blog are you or is this another Stinking Billy scare?
Enough questions for Boxing Day!
Look forward to more fun blogs in 2009, Thanks for all I have read in 2008.
Happy New Year to you and your wife and all the family.
Keep on Motahomin.
Thanks. And a happy new year to you.
Interesting! Have become quite attached to it.
Thanks. (My daughter has a clio)
Thanks. You have to put up with a lot of comments in pubs this time of year. In the main well meant. Though everyone of the commenters think its the first time you've heard 'Here's santa. silly fools.
Yorkshire Pudding
You don't know where I apply for the job, I need the money. Would you believe I was offered four weeks on Lapland this year.
Not keen on having photos taken, Bit naughty from someone whose picture is not allowed to be revealed. Ni mind, eh.
Well spotted. It was only there for an instant. See blog dated 27th Dec
Lovely to hear from you again. Happy New Year to you and yours.
Ahh Ken, very Santa like indeed. And I agree re your comments to Stinking Billy, he doesn't even have the nerve to put HIS picture on HIS blog.
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