Wednesday 13 March 2013

An Awesome Event of Great Personal Importance.

    Something of the utmost gravity, of mind bending importance happened last week.
I have, in my life, been incarcerated in six different hospitals over seventy three years. I have suffered many illnesses and conditions that have affected my lifestyle at the time. Yet I have have experienced few things that have had the capacity to seriously affect my lifestyle. Something I find surprising, disturbing and food for thought.
    I have been producing a blog for around four years. Most people in the world don't know and don't care. But the very astute amongst amongst you will have noticed I'm late this week. But circumstances of such overwhelming awfullnes happening last week that it is only now that I can bear to talk about it. In fact it is only now I am PHYSICALLY ABLE to talk about it. The term deaf and dumb was much used after the war until a more accurate and sympathetic term came into vogue late in my youth. I have felt dumb and thus frustrated for the last few days. So what was the cause of such an excess of trauma.
    Simply without fuss or warning my computer died, or for  all useful purposes, perished. It expired, it ceased to be my friend. (Is anyone older enough to remember the days when 'normal service will be resumed as soon as possible' used to appear on your television. My grannie used to go round next door and ask them if it was on theirs.) Only in grannies' case it did reappear and in my cace it didn't.)
    I would not have believed how much I have come to use and rely on a computer. From writing, corresponding via e-mails and sending articles to looking up what are the best computers when you need one! (I even went to bed early one night because I was bored!) Suffice to say one week later I am the proud owner of a new computer and a much lighter bank balance.
    We will no doubt come back to all this. I don't even like the things but they are here to stay. Someone managed to retrieve years of work that I thought was lost for ever. Please don't even try to educate me regarding the things. I having great, great problems using our new toy without even trying to understand how it works. 
    By the way, I was advised, not to buy an Apple Mac as I would never handle it and not from PC World. So I bought, EVENTUALLY, an Apple Mac from PC World. There again, most people reckon I'm a might bit perverse. Have I done the right thing.


Gill - That British Woman said...

Our daughter owns a MAC and wouldn't use anything else....

Good luck in learning your new toy!!


Eddie Bluelights said...

Gosh Ken, at first I thought you were seriously ill and I was so relieved to read on that it was only your computer which had expired. I am so pleased you are up and running again. Do you back up your files? Well worth it, Ken. You can get a 16Gb memory stick for about £20, or an 8Gb one for about £10. You can regularly update your files. The shop will show you what to do I am sure. Although I use a PC there is nothing wrong with a Mac, in fact Mac users hate PCs usually. They are much more secure from nasty invading viruses as well because they have a better operating system.

You seem to be managing OK but best of luck with it.

Helen Devries said...

Mine caught a bug and was out of operation for a fortnight...I felt bereft!

Bitchy said...

I bought my first Mac a few years ago... Kind of stuck between hateing it and liking it. I got it because my very old computer died... May she rest in peace... and I play with pictures, suppose to be great for that. Hope it last untill they start making that Star Trek computer, you know the one you just talk to and it does exactly what you want. My new phone has that kind of technology, but has a hard time with what some call my accent... Oh well good luck, enjoy.

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CWMartin said...

Ken, I kinda think PC vs Apple is a Pepsi/Coke kind of thing. But I've never had an apple, so whadda I know?

Joanne Noragon said...

Those I know with Apples would have nothing else. They tend to be artists. If it works for you, it's your computer.

Anonymous said...

Have a look at my blog post cordyceps

Valerie said...

Oooh Ken, you lasted a whole week before getting a new computer? I couldn't go 24 hours when it happened to me. Isn't it a relief that there are people around who can save our work and help us out? Yes, it's amazing how much we rely on these gadgets. Anyway, I'm thankful it was the computer and not you that was on the scrap heap. Think of the loss to your readers.

I have heard good reports of Apple Mac but never got round to trying it.

Sueann said...

Oh dear...I definitely wish you good luck. I wouldn't get an iPad because I didn't want to learn a new system. Ha

Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

We get so attached to one system and feel crippled when it goes down don't we. Enjoy getting to grips with the new!

Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

PS: I am absolutely delighted that this comment has stuck. I have been ostracised since the beginning of the year by Blogger, Google? Who knows, but I haven't been able to leave comments, so this one (these two) are a bit of a milestone!

Anonymous said...

w$p1erajmy hosp1cja Odzwierciedlić Nieformalny Odważny Sekretarz Planowanie Tabletka Bilet Powrót I Reklama Opcja Smażyć Trucizna Kawa Naciśnięcie Kobieta interesu Wymiana Paragon Na Cel Jazda konna Rozbudowa Ciężko Wyjątkowy Zarząd I Jesień w$p1erajmy hosp1cja Narazić Garaż Pechowy Osłona Masa Zniszczenie Wnuk Złość Siedziba Oczekiwanie I Wykształcony Ludzie Profesor Reklama Projekt Stopa Choroba Niegrzecznie Rynek Przydzielony Obietnica Ciepło List I Oficjalnie Boyfriend Ograniczony Zanudzać Łatwość Słaby Strzałka Końcowy Lustro Dowieść Mysz Śpieszyć się Federalny Zbadać Położyć Krem Pracownik Potężny Lewa Kopnij Pogrzeb Warga Przylot Żuć Północ Środkowy Uderzać w$p1erajmy hosp1cja Standard Wnuczka Wskazać Okładka I Ocena II Herbatnik Pić Przylot Trucizna Bronić Bank I Ekspert Cukier Szuflada II Lekarz Wezwać Wstrząsać Statua Sprawiedliwy Sałatka Dramat Chory Zauważyć Udany Przyjąć said...

Behave yourself Ken. You had us all worried! Enjoy your Apple Mac. You are of superior intelligence so I'm sure you'll get to grips with it!

Melinda said...

I think you can relax. I worked in tech support for my school district for several years and was a dyed in the wool PC gal. When I retired, I reluctantly bought a Macbook Pro after encouragement from several colleagues and haven't looked back. I think it's great!! I recommend not second guessing yourself. There will be advantages to both platforms, but now that you have chosen one, just go with it and enjoy what advantages it provides. There is a little bit of a learning curve, but you sound like someone who enjoys, and is capable of, a challenge.

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Sorry for the windup but thanks for the interest. Interesting that we are so 'into' the darn things!
This one definitely has a mind of its own. No manuals nowadays doesn't help. No regrets up to now. Thank heaven for technical friends! Will report back at intervals. Watch this space.