Now the fun starts. Some research findings, I suspect to be taken with a pinch of salt!

Scientists might be clever, but nature and all that implies is in a different league. Don't they say nature's magic number is 1:1.618 and much in our natural world revolves round this ratio. Leonado DaVinci was no mug and he had no computer or internet to help him out. Didn't his Vitruvian Man with outstretched arms fit exactly into a square. Measure from fingertip to fingertip, your arms outstretched and it will be very, very close to your height, if you're relatively normal. Plus three times round your head will be, surprising, also your height. (The art world of course, is allowed poetic licence, depicting people differently to 'normal' beings for effect.)
I'm not clever enough to be a scientist. I'm just someone fascinated by life and the idiosyncracies of people. Millions watched Strictly Come Dancing on television last week. The intricate dances, the skill, the glamour, the razmataz. And do you know which bit fascinated me most. The fact that Audley Harrison has size 17 feet! I remember a pair of boots in a shop window in Derby made for a man in Melbourne; they were size 22! Now why would I remember that from probably fifty plus years ago!
But lose that curiousity and you might as well give up on living.
I have some small toes that are longer than my big toes, if you know what I mean. Somewhere back in history an ancestor must have had that trait and it is being repeated, presumably for ever and a day; isn't nature clever. (Or perhaps someone picked me up out of the pram by my toes.) My eldest daughter has a party trick. She can touch the end of her nose with her tongue. Try it, is there anyone out there who can do this? Or anyone out there with a party trick they wish to share! Come to think of it, looking at my faltering visitors of late, is there anyone out there full stop!
Talking of noses, a clip that might well amuse. A blast from the past, Chick Murray and his 'long nose' story. Some of you may well be amused; who nose!!
I'll be darned. Maybe my palm's not what should be read.
If I didn't know myself so well, I'd be worried. Longer ring fingers than pointers, long 'tall man' toes than big toe and tongue to nose isn't a party trick, it's just how my tongue works! Thankfully, I am right handed so perhaps that makes up for something! You have unearthed some interesting research there! (Although I tend to believe that researchers choose which facts are meant to be relevant.)
When this research about finger length and testosterone first came out it merely confirmed what I already knew about myself - that I am an androgynous type, tall, big-boned, deep-voiced, hairy and I have no trouble parallel parking. But even with ring fingers the same length as my index fingers, I'm still more womanly than manly!
PS My second toes are longer than my big toes too:-)
"I watched her pick a bun up from the floor."
OMG - hilarious! Didn't know this comedian!
With regard to fingers. - my ring finger is much longer than my index finger and well, it's a bit late now to be thinking about being lesbian or athletic!!
I'm glad...relieved to discover I am normal. Unless I'm a woman in which case I'm a lesbian
Oh dear! The spammers have found you. Be prepared for various comments about nothing in particular and relevant to even less. American Women........sigh!
Anyway, you had me worried for a minute as I too am left handed and perhaps my grandfather who insisted that I was not left handed was hoping I was not one of the 82% - 1950's Scotland not being a very supportive place for anyone 'different'. He would have hated the idea that I am doing a supposed "womans" job.
The real question about the size 22 boots was not why you would remember it but why you would ever forget something like that.
Keep writing Ken, I look forward to your posts.
Hi Ken,
My toes are changing as I age. I must say that I use to really like my toes. Now they're getting a bit crooked. Maybe that symbolic of what becomes with American women up above in that comment?!! (smiles)
Being an American, let me state up front that I like ALL women!
Party trick? I can bite my own eyeball. Of course, I have to remove my dentures to do it.
I see Boycott American Women has found you too....
Thank you for wonderful Chick Murray, brought back many happy and funny memories.
You could have touched, but I did'nt.. ;-)
Had a good laugh over some of the comments above.
Like Expat Mum, my ring finger's longer than my index but then again, it's too late to think of being lesbian or a successful athlete.
Party tricks, I can't do any of the above detailed but the chomping on eyeball bit - great inducement to agree to dentures when my turn comes - in roughly a decade's time.
Have any of you seen this cool trick of rolling up the sides of your tongue - left and right towards the centre? I can't do it meself but I get a thrill equivalent to seeing a magic trick.
As for me toes, they're all in a descending line after the big toe. Always thought this structure is only good for playing the "This little piggy" thing. How else do I account for my always losing my balance, stumbling a lot, inability to bike, skate or ski or stand on a tightrope?
Thanks, everyone.
Glad people liked Chick Murray. As my wife says when I tell jokes, the old ones are the best!
Loved the left handed bit.Five out of the last six American presidents have been left handed I believe. Whats normal anyway.
Whats the American women spam all about? Who? Why? I'm very green re so called spam.
Aren't we great though, you, me, all of us!
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