Where to start. Let's get rid of the dodgy people for a start. I see a builder from Epsom claimed over £100,00 in disability benefits while running a building company. What made me laugh (cry?) he arrived in court in a wheelchair and neck brace with his arm in a sling! Plus an asylum seeker in Blackfriars received £211,ooo in benefits, (covering many years) claiming for a bogus son and receiving housing benefits and heaven knows what. By the way, she was caught stealing shampoo from Boots! I do wonder about our super country. From top to bottom we are shown bad examples. For instance those pillars of the establishment, paragons of virtue, Sainsbury's. Fined for colluding to drive up the price of milk and cheese. Along with Asda, Safeway and Tesco. Mind you, all but Tesco had the decency to plead guilty. We get poorer, the rich get richer. Doesn't it make you sick. And Charlie Gilmour, son of Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour, appealing against his sentence for swinging from a flag at the Cenotaph. Says he didn't realise the significance of the Cenotaph. So much for a private education. Get real, you spoilt, privileged prat. And one more fool of the highest order, Two phone twit David Secker, phoning with one hand and texting with the other whilst driving on the A47 in Norfolk. A twelve month driving ban and eight points, pathetic. Surely a fool like this should not be on our roads, ever again!
I must stop letting the idiots take me over. So what made me smile? Rowan Atkinson crashing his £2 mil
lion, 240 mph, 0-60mph in 3.2 seconds F1 McLaren supercar into a tree with no other vehicle in sight. Makes my geriatric driving look positively A1. Mind you, sorry you were hurt, Rowan.
I must stop letting the idiots take me over. So what made me smile? Rowan Atkinson crashing his £2 mil

Chris Petrie, from Queensland, caught driving a scooter made from a motorised beer cooler. No licence plus he'd had one, or two, or three, or four, or more. 55cc engine and the cooler holds 48 bottles of beer. I reckon Rowen would be better off with this machine!
Any more smiles? Well what about the expenses row embroiling the police's top training college Bramshill House. In two years the bill included, £1.3 on travel, £673,000 on hotels, £26,779 on leisure and entertainment and £27,917 on restaurants and bars. All money well spent I'm sure, but was the 'designer lingerie', the 'beehive' and the 'cultivator' ne
cessary spending; recession, what recession.

Plus I see Winnie the Pooh's in trouble in Turkey for drinking root beer on television. Turkey has strong media laws concerning alcohol. Television station Kanal D have been fined up to £170,000. Which is a pity as root beer is non-alcoholic. And our German friends could also do with 'lightning up' a wee bit. The Knigge Society, a manners watchdog has called for a ban on works colleagues kissing in the office (sometimes even twice as the French do). Shaking hands, yes, kissing, no. Evidently it's a form of 'terror'. Handshakes, yes, approximately 60cms apart. Any closer is apparently crossing over a 'socially defined distance zone'. I'm making no comment on Germans and a sense of humour, I leave it to you! Mind you, it was suggested the runaway cow, Yvonne be shot. She wandered the countryside near Muhldorf for weeks and weeks. She learnt to become nocturnal, ran with deer and enjo
yed herself. But eventually any support for capture and converting into Sunday joints became a no no. Instead, finally captured, she was transported to Aiderbichi Animal Sanctuary, to live the rest of her days in peace. Miserable Germans, never, I take it all back, you lovely people.

Finally, an American story, with no mention of guns!
Long Island veteran lifeguard Roy Lester reckoned his refusal to wear Speedos cost him his job. Now I didn't even know what Speedos were. I had to look them up. When I saw them I could see what he meant. They're not called 'banana hammocks, lolly bags and budgie smugglers' for nothing! Sixty one year old Mr Lester thought the Speedos did him no favours and I too reckon he's right.His offer to wear cycling shorts was rejected so now he goes to court. I for one hope he wins and strikes a blow for all us oldies. Go for it, Roy!
Some of these tales beggar belief... now where did that expression come from?
I suppose some would consider kissing to be a form of torture..... I say no more about that.
Good list of tails, the only speedos we have is the dogs dashing about ;-)
I have kissed a few in my time (hope to kiss a few more) but never have I experienced anything like torture - do you suppose I have led a sheltered life style ???
Oh I don't know. I think those speedos could look quite... erm... interesting. I know what you mean about Rowan Atkinson's car though. Soooo flashy!
I like the beer mobile...he could patent that and sell it here...success guaranteed.
And you have only just touched the surface of all that is wrong and ridiculous Ken. Thanks for the round up. One must comfort themselves in the belief that the majority of us are normal and law-abiding really nice people.
Thanks! I do so look forward to your posts.
I don't know if I could work somewhere where I would have to wear a Speedo either
hi, here is a crumb trail to my new 'space'
luv 'alice' (fff)
I walked into town yesterday, a distance of half a mile. To pass the time I watched the approaching cars/vans and counted how many were breaking the law (sad person ain't I?).
22 vehicles passed me of which 6 were talking on mobiles, 5 not wearing a seat belt (3 talking on mobiles as well!,) 2 eating something, with 1 drinking at the same time. Nearly all were over the speed limit 40-50mph in a 30 zone.
"What? Me, officer? No you must be mistaken!". Not really, there was no copper in sight, and obviously the speed cameras weren't working.
You've had a good rant for me and I feel the better for it. Thank you!
Who was it who said, 'Stop the world I want to get off!!
Thanks, all
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