Monday 27 December 2010

I Am Glad I Never Cease To Be Amazed.

I sometimes find life boring; my own fault. In the western world it seems nothing is new, and television presents me with millions of images; my minds reaches saturation point and it sometimes seems nothing will ever impress, ever again to any real degree. 3D films, E-books, I-Pods, all very clever no doubt. Technically clever stuff but way beyond my grasp. Yet it is ironically through the power of modern technology I am introduced to the art of a beautiful young lady and I am transfixed as never before. And I am glad that even at seventy plus years I still have the ability to be amazed by the ingenuity, the sheer talent of the human race. How on earth does anyone learn such skill; where on earth does such a unique talent come from. And have you been impressed this year by someone or something that little bit different. Seasonal greetings to you all.


kelfala said...

I like that line i am glad i never cease to be amazed. I think im gonna start using it. great writing

Valerie said...

Gosh that was simply fantastic, Ken. I've never witnessed such amazing talent in action before. So glad you found this. What a delight!

Sueann said...

Wow! Simply amazing! I really enjoyed her performance! Thanks so much for sharing this.

the fly in the web said...

Not exactly Wilson Betty and Keppel, was it!

The bike shed said...

Fantastic talent; thanks for that.

You might be interested in my latest post - reflections - I suspect you met a few cases like it during your time in schools.

GrumpyRN said...

Very nice Ken, glad you found it. This is the kind of thing that the internet was invented for - a chance to see some truly amazing things.
Hope you and yours had a good Christmas.

the fly in the web; c'mon, Ken and I are supposed to be the grumpy ones.

Pauline said...

Imagine if we ever stopped being amazed! How dull and boring life would be.

That truly is an amazing talent you found!

Freda said...

After your comments I had to look at the video. It is indeed amazing- such talent. What a gift to be given. I've put it on my own blog and referred back to yours.

Troy said...

That was certainly an impressive short film - thanks for sharing it with us.
Hope you had a great Christmas and all the best for 2011.

Malcolm Cox said...

wow thats incredible!

Amrita said...

Thanks for sharin g this amazing video. I will share it on my blog too. Never seen anything like it

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Hi and welcome.

Grumpy Old Ken said...

We all keep on learning, a good sign!

Grumpy Old Ken said...

We never cease to learn, thanks to the internet!

Grumpy Old Ken said...

fly in the web
Funnily enough, I looked at those also on u tube!

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Just spent time reading your various posts. Always interesting stuff. How much of your time is taken up by blogging. And have you a journalistic background. I have to limit myself' of any case there is so much to do, so little time left. There are some clever people out there, you are one of them!

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Have a good year, we old 'uns must stick together!

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Hi, we're never too old to learn something new!

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Hi, be my guest, that's what its all about.

Grumpy Old Ken said...

And all the best for you, my friend, on and off the field1

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Malcolm Cox
Hi, welcome, glad to be of service!

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Hi, glad you liked it. What a talent!

Anonymous said...

Simply breathtaking skill. I wonder if this is something self taught as I haven't come across this art form being taught academically anywhere.

A lost young man said...

Thank you for this link. I needed that inspiration.

A. said...

Thanks for sharing, I think I found my life calling...

LinRN said...

Thanks for sharing that :-) May we all continue to find things that amaze us.

Bish Bosh Bash said...

Hi Ken. Just tripped over you at ‘Blogs of Note’. I’m a fifty something prepubescent bloggerer. Never even read-a-blog till last august. Just thought blogging was another of those silly internet ‘fads’ for people who love to type. Didn’t know I was a complete Pillock either. Do now. Love your take on life and especially your natural brand of humour. You’ve scribed much to chuckle about here and plenty more to entertain in the months ahead as I re-visit. As for this video post, I think it’s quite the most astonishing piece of live, individual, artistic skill I have ever witnessed. Makes even the eternal Rolf Harris look third rate. I have often sat and gazed at the talented pavement artists while they work away feverishly with their chalk in southern European cities, until the local police come and move them along. But this ladies skill raises the bar to Himalayan levels. Extraordinary and ultimately quite moving. Perfect post title too. Echoes all our sentiments. I will be sharing this with all the family and friends – maybe they won’t think me a ‘complete-and utter-pillock’. Then maybe not. I’d also like to post it on my ‘Blogette’ with a suitable accreditation to you and yours, if that’s ok. Thanks for sharing this with us and all your amusing musings. Very inspiring stuff. I have much to learn. Be back soon. Promise!

Marshall Lynch said...

wow I'm so amaze in this video.very talented.
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EP said...

Wow, I've seen this video before, and I'm glad I was able to find it again! It's truly is amazing! Great find on the net to showcase such art and talent :)

And great blog you got there! Congrats on the Blogs to Note Feature! Keep on blogging!

Georgie said...

That was brilliant. Thank you so much for posting that and reminding us of the amazing things in life. It has helped what has been a rubbish couple of days. xx