Tuesday 16 November 2010

Diaries, of the Famous and a Nobody.

'Time flies'. Trite but true. I am struck as to how much we forget of the past, yet can recall even the tiniest of 'happenings' with a little help. I honestly believe it all still there, in the mind, awaiting recall. I am not clever enough to know what happens to our memories when we die. What I do know is that keeping a diary, on paper or whatever means it is there for all to see and read. If you are famous or important your words will be there almost for ever. And if you are a nobody, as most of us are, who knows.
15th November 1661
At home all the morning, and at noon with my wife to the Wardrobe to dinner, and there did shew herself to my Lady in the handkercher that she bought the lace for the other day, and indeed it is very handsome. Here I left my wife and went to my Lord Privy Seal to Whitehall, and there did give him a copy of the Fees of the office as I have received them, and he was well pleased with it.
So to the Opera, where I met my wife and Captain Ferrers and Madamoiselle Le Blanc, and there did see the second part of 'The Seige of Rhodes' very well done; and so by coach set her home, and the coach driving down the hill through Thames Street, which I think never any coach did before from that place to the bridge-foot, but going up Fish Street Hill his horses were so tired, that they could not be got to go up the hill, though all the street boys and men did whip and beat them. At last I was fain to send my boy for a link, and so 'light out of the coach till we got to another at the corner of Fenchurch Street, and so to home, and to bed.
November 16th 1661
At the office all the morning. Dined at home, and so about my business in the afternoon to the Temple, where I found my Chancery bill drawn against T. Trice, which I read and like it, and so home.
Ken Stevens
November 15th 1985
It is suddenly realised that a mouse is in residence at the back of the gas fire. Alison, Sarah and Angela spend much time setting elaborate traps of empty boxes and cheese which he skillfully avoids. He (or she) appears during the evening on at least half a dozen occasions, seemingly unconcerned by our presence. At one stage he licked a sweet paper within one foot of a handheld torch. He is obviously very young and has become 'tame' to a degree, presumably having yet to be aware of the dangers the world holds.
November 16th 1985
Garford visits with his new bride, Tahira. Buster insists on making his presence felt by sitting almost on top of her on the settee. Tahiri is Malawi born, very shy and far from at ease with dogs. (Buster was a large English bull terrier) She has also never seen any dog even similar to Buster previously. add to her apprehension and discomfort the fact that our mouse 'lodger' appears several times during her stay and I suspect she probably thinks she has entered the proverbial 'madhouse'.


the fly in the web said...

Oh yes, cultural differences...the first years in France turning down drinks....
My diaries are explosive..both for family and for local politicians....

Valerie said...

I so admire Pepys turn of phrase. Thanks for posting those entries, you've give me an idea for a Christmas gift. Hope all is well in your section of the country.

Nota Bene said...

I well know that Ken Stevens fellow...but who is that nobody Samuel Pepys?

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Fly in the web
Explosive indeed1 Who was it said, publish and be damned!

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Thanks, life is very Christmasy here already in the shops!

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Nota Bene
Flatterer, Remember the joke about the man who went to see the Pope!