Did you read about the woman in Devon who claimed that a 'wheelie bin' outs
ide her home devalued her property. And the graduate from Queen's University, Belfast who claimed he would have got a better degree with more supervision. (Nothing to do with lack of hard work, Andrew Croskery?) The magistrate in Lancaster who fell asleep whilst sitting on the bench, causing a trial to collapse. Plus the judge who refused to order a soldier who 'glassed' a man to undergo anger management. 'Soldiers need anger to do their jobs' said Judge William Hart at Gloucester Crown Court. Great compensation for the victim. Some 'idiots' are more serious than others. The callous individual who abandoned an eight year old dog near Weymouth (later identified by CCTV as from Bamber Bridge near Preston) deserves our contempt. And
strangely enough it was in Weymouth where a paramedic refused take a woman for an emergency Cesarean because he was on his break, then blaming someone else for his lack of professionalism. Not everything in the news made me mad; astounded yes, but that's different. Woburn Safari Park accidentally fed food meant for their animals to customers in their restaurant. A fake barrister, complete with wig and gown ran from court in Plymouth when the judge asked him simple legal questions. A priest in Madrid was involved in a scuffle with a parishioner during Communion. A model received benefits as a carer whilst working for Babestation. (Its actually a porn channel!)

Talking of porn, what an idiot was the primary school teacher in Merthyr Tydfil who made porn films with her husband and stored them on her school laptop. (She has been told she is free to seek another job, it didn't say in
what capacity!) Plus an employee of Newham Council supposedly struggled to get dressed after an injury. Pity it didn't stop him competing in national athletics events.

Two entrants for the title, twerp of the month. The German tourist in Tenerife who dug a three metre hole on the beach, which eventully collapsed on him, burying him up to his neck. It took fifteen firefighters in five vehicles two hours to free him. Lucky man. Mind you, a one-off, for regular stupidity try Glenn Crawley, so-called sailor aged fifty three, estimated to have cost the emergency services £30,000 plus in sea rescues. (On one occasion four times in the same day.) This time his catamaran was destroyed on Fistral Beach, Newquay. Next time, how about, 'No pay, no rescue.'
Animal stories always interest. Tanvir,
And just to show my 'serious' reading, did you notice in the business world Cinven have bought out Spice for £250 million. Simon Rigby, owner of Spice has set up a new company. Farmgen is using anaeric technology to turn maize, silage, potatoes into methane gas. How, by mimicking the inner workings of a cows stomach. Simple when you know how!
Finally, finally, two items concerning the ladies. Four Australian women have set the world record for the fastest relay race in stillettos. Eighty metres in one minute, four seconds wearing three inch (7.5 cm) heels. Still concerning the ladies, or at least ladies apparel, a farmer in Purton, Wiltshire had a problen, his galia melons kept breaking their vines. The answer, ladies bras, brought in great numbers by helpful customers. Evidently double-D cups were particularly useful! I make no further comment; if anyone wants to suggest a suitable headline on any item, be my guest!
Do you have any idea what happened to poor Ginger?
It made me so sick at heart to think of him.
What an excellent round up of the news!
Regarding the Paddock Wood story, I think it is vital that we find as many reasons to stop estates being built in Kent as possible - we are The GARDEB of England, not the Patio!
Rock Chef
Point taken re Kent. Only cbeen once, camping near Herne Bay. Lovely polite people but Herne Bay was iffy.
Hey, I live in Herne Bay!
And you are right - it is iffy...
Enjoyed the shake-head-in-amazement items, but the one about poor Ginger left a lingering regret that there are still some heartless people in the world. An eye for an eye ... or do unto others ... comes to mind but hey, it was only a dog!
I do love your round ups. I love the news but I rarely come across as many interesting and fun articles as you seem to. Note to self, must try harder.
I particularly like the idea of a water buffalo called Oink. Genius.
I too feel sick at heart over poor ginger. Those types of stories just eat away at my tummy and I can hardly bear to carry the knowledge of them in my mind. Funny though, as a younger woman I liked pets and animals of all types but I didn't feel as affected by them as I do now. By that I guess I mean that I didn't really feel terribly interested in them outside of the fact that they were cute and warm and fuzzy most of the time and I better make sure to put food in their dishes. I turned 40 a few years back and it seems a light went off in my head when it came to animals and I've grown a tremendous love for them and their causes.
Hello, Ken!
Thank you for stopping by at my blog (-> And then they start to sparkle) and your comment.
You are right: I would love your jukebox!
Have a marvellous weekend!
Frl. Irene Palfy
One of the reasons my boss avoids the newspapers ;-)
I would be worried if people were not concerned for the dog, fortunately it is normal to care.
Happy Frog
Thanks. the man who owned Oink went a bity funny, sadly.
My wife particularlt loves having a dog and reckons all women need someone to love. Where that leaves me I'm not sure!
Cheers and welcome!
English Shepherd
very wise, your boss!
Wild life is good hobby i really liked it.
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