Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Doesn't Time Fly When You're Enjoying Yourself.

    It's six years today since I first did a blog. (Put this way it reminds me of a child having it's first 'potty poo!) I'm not sure how or why I started. Six years, a fair old part of anyone's life. Even more so when you're on the 'ancient' side. Yet its something of a blur.
    Six years ago since we had a black President in the USA. Changing times, the beginning, if I remember right, of a bleak period, in Britain and the rest of the world. Talk of slumps, recession. A long, long period of Europe in general 'going under', Spain, Greece, Portugal etc struggling to survive. The longest period of gloom and doom I can ever remember. But did it REALLY affect me and my family I wonder. Well, there's six years of blog posts to gauge the personal side of life in this time.
    Undoubtedly, we revolve around ourselves, our immediate family and home.Few in Finland, India, Angola or Japan, for instance (place I have comments on my blog) will have too much interest in dear old Britain and its problems. But I bet their own lives revolve round family; the joys and headache of bring up children. Beginnings and ends; the young and the old. So the death of Franscoise, beloved mother and grandmother was more important to us than mere recessions. Likewise a birth, in our case Ted, gives joy and hope; a feeling of natural continuity in an ever changing world.
    I often wonder why I blog. (As do, no doubt some of my 'readers'.) Its an ego trip in a way. But more important to me personally, is the discipline of deliberately writing, thinking, doing. (Note how the last two weeks have been the longest 'none post' period in the last six years.) Physically, and mentally at times life is not easy. Oh to be young again! But life goes on and so does Old Grumpy and his blog!
    In six years many bloggers have come and gone. Some have sadly died; I can think of many more who, for reasons of their own no longer blog; inevitable in this turbulent, ever changing world. In my early blogging days there were many who helped and encouraged me. ( In six years I have only had one rude comment. A brilliant indication that the blogging fraternity at large consists of friendly, outgoing individuals)
    So onward, ever onward. Hopefully there will be one or two more posts yet. (No targets, but I am surprised to find I have done over four hundred posts in the last six years!) Now I fancy a go at a YouTube blog. Any experts out there? Plus any printable suggestions what to do with over four hundred posts!


In the beginning

Hooray we're away. Watch this space. As the old man used to say, 'softly, softly, catchee monkey.' A saying incidentally that one of my daughters finds incredibly naff. After several attempts this blog is finally off the ground, courtesy of a good friend, Chris who has the most incredible knowledge of how computers work. Thanks Chris, I feel as if I've now fully entered the 21st century. So 'What's it all about, Alfie?'
I suppose firstly, in a way it's an ego trip, hopefully allowed at my age. Secondly having had various health problems, nothing new at my age, I need to keep what's left of the old brain going. Thirdly, I write regularly, make little out of it but need an audience (the old ego trip again). So off we go and let's see what develops. But firstly, after all the excitement I need a lie down!


kyozan said...
This old fart is an unsung genius. I have not laughed so much in a long time. Recommend him to all your friends. His blog promises to be a hilarious, entertaining, and highly enlightening ride.
Lindsey said...
I'm the woman you met in Lady Harriett's bedroom at Shugborough whom you didn't think would leave a comment. Ta-da! I even signed up for a google account just for you. Bet you wouldn't get this level of aftercare from that English Heritage lot.... One more for your great virtual audience. Good luck x
MâHâßuß ßHuiyân said...
I just found your blog and want to say thank you ! What an enjoyable time looking through so many sites. It is really nice post thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work !


Helen Devries said...

I always look forward to your blog heaving over the horizon on the reading list...and no, I have no idea whatsoever about Youtube but have no doubt that you will master it, even if it takes a chair and whip.

Melinda said...

I love reading about your slice of English life, whether the topics be about world events or local fare or personal daily events. I would equally enjoy listening to an English accent via Youtube! Keep posting no matter what medium!

CWMartin said...

Happy anniversary... and I too enjoy peeking inside English life through you. Keep up the good work!

Nota Bene said...

Six years of writing...and all of it great stuff...did you wonder what you'd be writing about six years after you started. I often wonder about bloggers who no longer blog...dying is a pretty good reason to stop, but many seem to lose their way, or just their enthusiasm...which is a shame because some brilliant writers are no longer entertaining us!

Keep it up!

AGuidingLife said...

Still hovering. I feel more than 6 years older though!

Eddie Bluelights said...

It's amazing how quickly time goes.
I see you needed a lie down 6 years ago, Ken!! ROFL

Keep writing!

Anonymous said...
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Keith said...

Time flys when you are not enjoying yourself too!

God, I feel old today! Now, where did I put my liniment?. . . . . .

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Yet again I get this part of blogging round my neck! Your comments ARE valued. So thanks to you all. Helen, glad someone else is, like me no expert! Melinda and CW, love the idea that I'm of ENGLISH value over in the US of A!Nota and Eddie, it seems so long ago that I 'met' you both! Keith, we're two old codgers together I reckon! K Ville stay with it and xxx any pain! We're all survivors together I reckon!

Best wishes to you all.