Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Doesn't Time Fly When You're Enjoying Yourself.
Helen Devries said...
I always look forward to your blog heaving over the horizon on the reading list...and no, I have no idea whatsoever about Youtube but have no doubt that you will master it, even if it takes a chair and whip.
16 April 2014 at 14:03
- Melinda said...
I love reading about your slice of English life, whether the topics be about world events or local fare or personal daily events. I would equally enjoy listening to an English accent via Youtube! Keep posting no matter what medium!
16 April 2014 at 19:10
- CWMartin said...
Happy anniversary... and I too enjoy peeking inside English life through you. Keep up the good work!
16 April 2014 at 20:48
- Nota Bene said...
Six years of writing...and all of it great stuff...did you wonder what you'd be writing about six years after you started. I often wonder about bloggers who no longer blog...dying is a pretty good reason to stop, but many seem to lose their way, or just their enthusiasm...which is a shame because some brilliant writers are no longer entertaining us!
Keep it up!
17 April 2014 at 11:41
- AGuidingLife said...
Still hovering. I feel more than 6 years older though!
18 April 2014 at 10:19
- Eddie Bluelights said...
It's amazing how quickly time goes.
I see you needed a lie down 6 years ago, Ken!! ROFL
Keep writing!
Eddie -
19 April 2014 at 12:32
Anonymous said...
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19 April 2014 at 17:02
- Keith said...
Time flys when you are not enjoying yourself too!
God, I feel old today! Now, where did I put my liniment?. . . . . . -
23 April 2014 at 22:56
- Grumpy Old Ken said...
Yet again I get this part of blogging round my neck! Your comments ARE valued. So thanks to you all. Helen, glad someone else is, like me no expert! Melinda and CW, love the idea that I'm of ENGLISH value over in the US of A!Nota and Eddie, it seems so long ago that I 'met' you both! Keith, we're two old codgers together I reckon! K Ville stay with it and xxx any pain! We're all survivors together I reckon!
Best wishes to you all. -
29 April 2014 at 12:00
I'm the woman you met in Lady Harriett's bedroom at Shugborough whom you didn't think would leave a comment. Ta-da! I even signed up for a google account just for you. Bet you wouldn't get this level of aftercare from that English Heritage lot.... One more for your great virtual audience. Good luck x